Huong Hai Junk

전체 평가:

The lunch, dining and accommodation services provided by the Junk crew are outstanding. The scenic beauty is worth experiencing as well. The extra activities which are made enjoyable by the crew of the Junk are highly appreciable. It is very difficult to find any kind of shortcoming in the services offered by the Huong Hai Junk crew. The entire Junk is beautifully designed and excellently decorated. The Junk depicts the classical and contemporary decor of Vietnam.
One would barely find any kind of con in the working of Huong Hai Junk, as all the travellers go back with great satisfaction.

Junk Description:

The Huong Hai Junk service is operated by Huong Hai Junk Company in Vietnam. If one wants to enjoy the natural and breath-taking beauty of Halong Bay, then one must experience the excellent services of Huong Hai Junk.

Huong Hai Junk provides the best sailing experience to its clients and offer excellent day and night packages. The entire Junk is marvellously designed and is considered one among the best sources to travel around the Halong Bay. You can enjoy the mountainous attractions and adventurous beauties of caves while travelling through Huong Hai Junk.

The cabins are explicitly designed and are very suitable for accommodating the clients. The food served at the Junk is fresh and great. The decks, dining halls, and rooms are excellently furnished and are beautified with outstanding decorations. One would simply love to stay in the Huong Hai Junk for travelling around the Halong Bay in Vietnam. The Junk Cruise is famous for its compelling beauty and excellent services of its crew.

Junk Itinerary:

The Junk offers different packages to the clients. The travellers, depending upon their preference take the packages to travel in the Huong Hai Junk.

The Itinerary departs from the Bay at 1 pm usually. The people are served with fresh sea food as lunch which is served in the dining halls. The people can enjoy fishing, swimming, kayaking and decking during the journey. The Junk will show you the scenic beauties of Dinh Huong Island, Dog Island, Sail Island, Luon Cave, Titov beach and Sung Sot as well.

Besides kayaking and fishing, you can land in the islands to see the traditional living of the people at the islands.  You can learn about cuisine and other traditions of these floating islands as well. Perfect accommodations services are provided by the crew to the people. You can have lunch and dinner at the dining halls of the Junk as well. Relish the marvellous beauty of Vietnam by travelling through Huong Hai Junk. You will definitely feel it like you are experiencing the best thing of your life.

Who will enjoy:

The Huong Hai Junk is perfect for couples. If you want to relax and want to stay away from the city’s noise and pollution, then take your partner and book a room in Huong Hai Junk, and spend the most romantic moments of your life by floating on the Halong Bay.

전체 평가

크루즈 품질
음식, 음료수
캐빈의 품질
스태프 품질
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