Calypso Cruise

전체 평가:

Calypso Cruise ensuring you the best sunset deck ever you enjoyed. From the sunset deck the panoramic view of the Haling Bay is just breathe taking and it is more glamorous when it changes its scenic beauty frequently.
Not for travelers who are not keen on activities

Are you a young energetic guy and want to have a great adventure trip in Halong Bay, Calypso Cruise is the best alternative for you. Or if you are newly married, going to a honeymoon trip, wanting to give surprise to your girlfriend, Calypso can do it all. Its flexible itinerary will help you to choose rock climbing or kayaking option in such a way that you will be amazed greatly.

Calypso Cruise—a world class cruise

At present Calypso Cruise is considered the most comprehensive information and service provider especially in rock climbing in Vietnam. If you want climb the rock of Vietnam there is no better way than to climb it over the turquoise waters of Ha Long Bay.

This exciting, amazing and heart rendering rock climbing is becoming one of the most popular worlds of wonder for the tourist. Calypso Cruise is always ready to entertain it’s boarder with a lot of fun, excitement and pleasure.

Calypso cruise is furnished with gorgeous looking bedding, furniture and equipments. All the cabins are sized 12.5sqm with huge expensive windows to enjoy the scenic view of the bay. I think you already the most wonderful feature of Haling Bay is that the scenic view changes time to time. By giving priority of your every second, the bathroom is also very wide to ensure your every moment to make enjoyable.

You will surely have great sailing experience in the bay with internationally standard cuisine. Gentle breeze, calm water and stunning scenic view of hundreds of islets around you will surely give you one of the best experiences in your life.

전체 평가

크루즈 품질
음식, 음료수
캐빈의 품질
스태프 품질
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